Energy Intelligence

Sustainability.  Responsibility.  Renewable.  Clean.  Energy.  Exponentially Managed.

RECORE is an emerging industry leader focused on sustainability. A sustainability of our environment, through a commitment with our partners to leveraging reliable, natural energy sources.

RECORE is an emerging industry leader focused on responsibility. A responsible steward of the environment and the resources it provides.

RECORE is an emerging industry leader focused on renewable sources. This consists of renewable sources of natural energy that can be harnessed and deployed efficiently at a hyper-local level.

RECORE is an emerging industry leader focused on clean energy. This consists of energy production and distribution with little to no side effects on the environment we live in and call home.

RECORE is focused on amplifying all of these in the marketplace to benefit our partners and the environment.

By integrating emerging clean energy production methods with advancing technology in building systems and facility load control protocols we can create and amplify a responsible impact of a corporation or facility on the environment and on the power grid. Energy intelligence also comes with financial benefits driven by efficiency. A win-win for the bottom line, and for the environment.

Energy Intelligence is simply the integration of many resources that produce and consume energy. This integration is completed to provide the end user a web based graphical interface to visualize the different resources as they are currently being deployed as well as historical snapshots with trending to see the performance in the past. Mate this capability to some forecasting (weather, know consumption, and capacities) and the resources will be used in their most efficient ways. 

An appropriate EI package can communicate with multiple resources to provide a centralized platform of integration. Examples include, facility upgrades such as standby generators, rooftop solar, wind turbines, battery storage, or consumption-based products like HVAC, lighting controls, and building automation. Combining these with control functions will allow the resources to interact in an efficient way to the level of creating a microgrid for your facility.

Contact us today for more information and a FREE quote!